Although very quickly rectified, there's no denying the 3 second mortification associated with being told you have lipstick on your teeth. This is like the female equivalent of a bloke walking out the toilet with toilet roll on his shoe. But have some perspective. I think there are probably a few things that are equally - if not more embarrassing that happen in every day life that I've listed below to remind you that next time a complete stranger is staring at your mouth scrubbing their teeth with their finger - things could be worse.
Accidentally liking a tweet/Instagram post whilst stalking someone. Not bothered what anyone says on the contrary - everyone likes to have a little snoop on their exes/enemies now and again it's one of the benefits of social media. But accidentally favouriting something you shouldn't really be looking at in the first place is by far the worst thing that can possibly happen, ever. Knowing full well that regardless of how quickly you 'unlike' the post that person is gonna get a notification and know you've been snooping and you have to live with it. They've won that round!
Given that as previously mentioned I constantly have bits of plastic stuck to the end of my nails you can only imagine how many times this has happened to me...
Feeling smug in a new pair of shoes you've worn all day to then realise you haven't removed the annoying white sticker on the sole and now everyone knows you shop at Primark (no judgement). Manufacturers really ought to rethink their sticker placement because those stickers are impossible to remove and are a definite fashion faux pas.
Being caught taking a selfie isn't going to be considered embarrassing by a lot of people as these days it's considered the norm. But I personally try avoid snapchatting/selfie taking unless in the privacy of my own home as there's a definite 'self absorbed' connotation associated with openly taking photos of oneself in public...unless you're with another person in which case you share the embarrassment and it's totally fine. But sitting on a train and thinking you're alone to then realise there's a group of people sat 4 rows away that are watching you is always a massive cringe.
Causing a scene at self-checkouts. I HATE self-checkouts but I hate human interaction more so I always go to the self-checkout machine in a supermarket knowing full well it'll take twice as long, involve a lot of swearing and ''please place item in bagging area'' over and over again. Very rarely do I use a self-checkout without causing a scene and requiring assistance at least twice. This invention reassures me computers aren't really that intelligent and robots taking over the world is still a long way off.
Being told you look tired is basically being told you look like crap isn't it? Crawling into work to be greeted with ''awh you look knackered'' is not exactly a confidence boost. You spend the rest of the day paranoid about how you look overdosing on coffee to try look less ''knackered''. I'm not even sure what the correct response is to this so I avoid it as best I can with layers and layers of concealer. (All hail Mac Studio Fix concealer!)
Tripping over in public. This is a bit of an obvious one and has been depicted in cartoons (think slipping on banana skins) for as long as I can remember. But walking along feeling good with your iPod on to then trip over is always embarrassing. The immediate ''did anyone see that?'' thought process is always great fun too. Followed by a less than subtle scan of the area to see if anyone did in fact see. Due to the less than sensible choice of footwear I endure this happens to me a lot but only once have I legit fallen face flat. I never ever wore those shoes again. They were ridiculous wedges (which is largely why I think this whole thing about wedges being a 'better for your feet' alternative to heels is a load of rubbish) that we now utilise by using them as a hammer.
I have an iPhone permanently attached to my hand so I'm always pressing buttons by accident. And due to my exceptional taste in music on more occasions than I care to mention I've accidentally played music in a quiet room for everyone to turn around and wonder what's causing the noise. The only thing more embarrassing than that is the actual music playing. For me it always seems to be Backstreet Boys. I love me some Backstreet Boys but I realise it is actually 2014 and complete strangers in the hospital waiting room don't need to know that..
So next time someone brings your lipstick teeth to your attention remember it could be worse and they've probably got white stickers stuck to their shoes anyway.
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