Karl Lagerfeld once said “Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.” I disagree. Sweatpants are the most comfortable alternative to just strolling around naked and I think one day a week they should be mandatory. They by no means mean you've lost control of your life, if anything they indicate the total opposite. You've worked/partied so hard all week you're comfortable allowing yourself a day off. Go with it. I always try and look polished and well put together during the week, so Sundays are a braless - sweatpants-full day of rest and I love it.
And I'll be damned if I put a scrap of makeup on on a Sunday.
An important part of every beauty routine and staying healthy in general is allowing yourself some downtime. When you don't get enough sleep or your body begins to feel overworked you'll start to break out, hair won't look as healthy and you'll just feel crap in general.
Relaxation is imperative for good skin. Make it a priority. This mindset also allows you time to refocus and recover from the working week, which is also good for mental health. Feeling stressed and over stretched is unpleasant and can have adverse side effects on your health so make 1 day a week a sweatpants day. No excuses are required, sweatpants re the universal sign of ''I'm not getting off the sofa today so don't even ask'' - like a get out of jail free card for being lazy. Enjoy it.
Barbie joggers are my favourite - no judgement
So whether you're recovering from a weekend of wine or a week of work embrace the universal day of rest. Don your sweatpants and make the most of doing absolutely nothing. It's good for your skin after all. Any judgement from others is likely to be jealously. For extra health benefits drink loads of water/green tea. Your skin will look better than ever come Monday.
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