I am a creature of habit and I could probably write a list of 450 things I wouldn't be able to live without but for the time being here are the 7 main things I am obsessed with...
1 - Chewing gum. A couple of years ago I forgot to take some with me to work so went home sick to get some. Pathetic right? That's addiction people. Anyone that's good friends with me knows I carry a fully stocked pot with me everywhere I go and get nervous when I start to run out. No idea where this addiction started but at least it's not crystal meth.
2 - Hand sanitizer. A self-confessed OCD freak and germaphobe I always have hand wipes and anti-bac on hand...better to be safe than sorry. I sometimes carry mouthwash too...hygiene is a priority.
3 - Fake tan. I'm all about that fake tan life and prefer getting my tan out of a bottle than from the actual sun. I've been fake tanning since I was 17 and wouldn't change a thing. Although sometimes a chore it's much less damaging to skin and overall health than sunbeds. I'm a die hard fake tan fan for life.
4 - My iPhone. My second boyfriend and friend I turn to in any awkward situation my phone is an extension of my arm and never far away. I recently upgraded to the gold iPhone 6 and am obsessed.
5 - Green tea is life. This stuff is so yummy and (supposedly) has so many health benefits! I've never been a big coffee drinker and I drink about 7 cups of green tea a day. Don't even waste your time telling me that's too much caffeine blah blah blah it won't change anything.
6 - ASOS. The first place I go when looking to buy clothes, shoes and makeup. Even when the site is down temporarily I feel a bit lost. Even when I don't have money to shop (which is often) I spend about 2 hours a day browsing and seeing what's new anyway.
7 - Sunglasses. I don't care what the weather's doing as long as it's light outside sunglasses are fair game. Sunglasses hide a multitude of sins and I wouldn't leave the house without them. I recently was very spoiled and bought my first ever pair of designer shades - Chanel no less. Needless to say I'm getting my money's worth by wearing them constantly.
7 - Sunglasses. I don't care what the weather's doing as long as it's light outside sunglasses are fair game. Sunglasses hide a multitude of sins and I wouldn't leave the house without them. I recently was very spoiled and bought my first ever pair of designer shades - Chanel no less. Needless to say I'm getting my money's worth by wearing them constantly.