How to get over ''I have nothing to wear'' syndrome

You're getting ready to go out, you open your wardrobe and utter the words ''I have nothing to wear''. How often does this happen to you? For me, and despite the fact I have twice as many clothing items than I actually have room for I used to say this at least once a week. Ludicrous when you take into account I could probably wear a different outfit every day for a year and still never wear the same thing twice. Well, I had an epiphany people. And that cycle ends now.
In an effort to save money, reduce clutter and stop ''collecting'' things I never wear I've put myself on a shopping ban. In an effort to create more space for clothes I plan to keep and wear I went through my wardrobe with a cut-throat mindset and donated to Oxfam all the items I either haven't worn in ages or realistically won't wear again. In the end I ended up with 2 bin bags full of stuff, most of which still had the label on and had never been worn. Yep. Oxfam's lucky day.

After my mini money/environment saving epiphany the real question that dawned on me is how do I break the cycle? Shopping endlessly is such an easy habit to fall into and there have been times when I've bought virtually the same thing twice - forgetting I own a jumper that looks almost identical to the new one. Shopping for the sake of shopping is my problem. And that's exactly what it is, a problem.

It's not particularly economical or practical to buy a new outfit every time you think you've got nothing to wear so I've taken action. I read a statistic once that said the average woman only wears 20% of her wardrobe and I can definitely relate to that. Working in an office environment means generally I wear variations of the same smart shirts, blazers & suit trousers over and over which is fine - but even on weekends and date nights I feel myself regurgitating the same outfits. So I've reorganised my entire wardrobe and brought items to the front that have been stuffed in the back for ages; creating the illusion in my mind that I have more options. Such a small change but has made such a difference so far.

A cringeworthingly sentimental person, I hold on to all sorts of crap I don't need (I still have the receipt of the hotel we stayed in in Paris last year) and the same can definitely be said for clothes. So as part of my wardrobe overhaul I've also donated anything I won't wear again that I was keeping purely for sentimental value (except my 18th birthday dress, long live pink leopard print)... and you'd be surprised how much space that's freed up.

I've also thought more about ''quality over quantity'' and perhaps having 35 white blouses from Primark (god I hate Primark) is not quite as economical as having one great white shark blouse that costs more but is better quality and will stand the test of time overall. And surely you're more likely to wear something you love over something you picked up on a whim? My advice is donate anything that doesn't fit or could be a perfect item for someone else to pick up in a charity shop. H&M's new ad campaign about their clothing recycling service is nothing short of amazing and something I will definitely bear in mind in the future. Keeping a dress you've only worn once that doesn't fit any more is such a waste when it could be recycled and turned into something else. Plus you'll have more space for when it's time to invest in something new that you will wear and is worth having.

Reducing my wardrobe to staple pieces that can be worn over and over regardless of how much my style changes seems far better than having piles of stuff I've forgotten I even own. I can't believe I'm saying this but - less is more? (anyone that's ever lived with me would definitely say YES). Skinny jeans in a couple of colours, a couple of blazers, tops and skirts and 350 pairs of pyjamas is enough for me. Rearranging my clothes and having a really thorough clear out has reintroduced me to items I forgot I had, and even some items I have no idea why I bought in the first place. But nevertheless it has helped conqueror my shopping problem and kept ''nothing to wear syndrome'' at bay.

What do you think? Are you a clothes hoarder or just the bare necessities type of girl? Have you held on to anything purely for sentimental value that if anyone else knew would think you're mental?

Trends I can't wait to see the back of


There are so many trends at the moment that make me shudder. Everyone’s style is different and I appreciate that, but there are some current trends if I never see again it'll be too soon. Here are my least favourite of the trends doing the rounds at the moment...

The end of summer also means the temporary end of fad diets yay! I have done a few juice detoxes recently and I consider those beneficial for actual health (so don't lecture me, thanks) but all these ‘’detox teas’’ and Juice Plus capsules have me exhausted. My weight fluctuates a lot and I can tell you honestly as someone who has been on one diet or another since I was 16 (how sad) the only thing that really works is diet and doing more exercise. Boring but true. I find the detox teas are probably exciting if you don’t drink herbal teas normally, but as someone who drinks about 8 cups of green or peppermint tea a day its not hugely different. Don’t believe the skinny Instagram models posing with the tea packets it’s all a conspiracy. I look forward to the end of Juice Plus and the return of broccoli.

Instagram eyebrows. Everyone’s face is different and in most cases eyebrows totally frame a face. I know lots of girls personally who absolutely nail the high-arched perfect eyebrow look and it looks awesome.  I’ve also seen a lot of girls who don’t quite nail the perfect eyebrow look nor do they need to. If your face looks good with smaller eyebrows don't be worrying about not looking like Cara Devangeline! If she jumped off a cliff would you jump too? I'm guessing not. Step away from the brow palett and accept your brows as they are.

On the subject of OTT makeup I think contouring has had its day. Sorry girls. Adding colour and definition to the face after foundation is great but I’ve seen people get so carried away with it they just look dirty. Combine the overly done bronzer with overly done eyebrows and you’re a hot mess. I much prefer the newer ‘’strobing’’ trend which is what I’m all about – highlighting parts of the face to create a way more natural finish.

I don’t care if it’s Gucci and that Carrie Bradshaw wore one - bum bags are AWFUL. Are they even called bum bags? Fanny packs? Whatever, they’re terrible. I don’t even see unless you’re a looky looky man in Ibiza how they’re even practical. In case you were thinking of getting on the bumbag bandwagon my dad used to wear one on holiday along with his socks and sandals combo so yeah. Swerve on that…

Another trend I think we'll look back on and laugh/cringe in a few years is everyone's obsession with getting lips like Kylie Jenner. Sorry honey but sucking into a piece of plastic is not going to make you look like Kylie Jenner, and in fact they only thing that will is paying a load of money to borrow her surgeon for a day. Lip liner is great for achieving matte lips and even over-drawing slightly to give a slightly fuller-lip look is fine, but let's not get carried away. I would say with quite a bit of certainty looking like a toddler has drawn on your face is not a good look - for anyone. And why would you want to look like Kylie Jenner anyway? Literally the least inspiring ''A Lister'' of the moment. 

I don't have an issue with long hair on men - in fact I think it looks great on some guys but what is with men walking round with top knots. It's not even practical!!! The purpose of buns is to keep hair out the face, you don't need to wear your hair in bun if it's 3 inches long! I blame TOWIE for the total emasculation of men since 2009 and Nando's regulars feeling the need to copy everything they do. Stop it. I usually hold ASOS in pretty high regard given that 90% of my wardrobe is from there but even I had to laugh when they introduced their clip on man buns. Surely nobody thinks this looks good??? You can tell even the model is thinking wtf. 

What trends do you hate? Are there any 2015 trends you can't wait to see the back of?

The best things about Autumn

As mentioned in my previous post I absolutely adore autumn and winter. Summer is basically wasted on me as I spend the entire time inside counting down till Christmas and muttering to myself any time someone mentions the word ''heatwave''.  (I like to think of myself as the summer equivalent of Scrooge). Aside from the fact Autumn is generally beautiful outside I wanted to share a few of my other favourite things about this time of year...

Fall fashion. Boots, scarves and layering is BACK! Maxi dresses are fun but nothing beats bundling up in scarves and boots. Ah who am I kidding I'm just happy its socially acceptable to wear a onesie again.

It makes me sound like the most superficial person ever but I think autumn is the best time of year to be in a relationship. Boyfriends are indeed for life and not just for Christmas but I definitely appreciate sleeping next to a human hot water bottle in the colder months, and having someone to stay in and watch Netflix with while it hammers it down with rain outside. Boyfriend season is here!

Pumpkin Spice errrrrrything. Since converting to vegetarianism in January this year I no longer look forward to Gregg’s Festive Bakes or pigs in blankets but pumpkin spiced lattes. And living in a city means there's a coffee shop every 20 metres which is ideal if you're a white girl in Autumn...

Guaranteed crap weather. Ok, nobody really wants to be cold and wet for 6 months of the year but at least in Autumn you know it’s going to be crap and can therefore save yourself an hour in the morning not bothering to straighten your hair. Messy buns from September to March is pretty much standard for me. It's also nearly socially acceptable to put the heating on (although this is something I've been doing since mid-August). There's always an ongoing debate in every office I have ever worked in about the temperature and I'm so happy it's nearly our time to be comfortable! Heating on windows closed sorry guys. 

Halloween and Christmas are just around the corner. As an avid Halloween supporter I’ve been going out in my underwear on the 31st of October since I was at an age that my dad had no choice but to let me out the door. It’s ironic that I enjoy Halloween when I can’t even sit through a scary film or an episode of American Horror Story on my own but I enjoy the fancy dress element and chocolate at least. I'm a Christmas freak. I started Christmas shopping two weeks ago need I go on.

The weather is an excuse to cancel plans once again. I love my friends more than life but sometimes you want to sit on your own in your warm flat and stare at your pores in a magnified mirror - and that's ok. The best thing about Autumn is the cold weather is now a legit excuse to cancel and the truth is your friend is probably secretly wanting to cancel too. 

Here are a few other honourable mentions of things I love about Autumn:Cosy socks – An extra hour in bed – Downton Abbey – I’m the only person in the room with a tan because I fake it - Christmas shopping -  No more ''hotdogs or legs?'' Instagram posts - candles 

What are your favourite things about this time of year?


Autumn/Winter wishlist

The weather's crap, but your outfit doesn't have to be. Winter is by far my favourite season. Unpopular opinion or not, there's no denying the fashion is more exciting, evenings are cosier and of course - Christmas! The shops have just started to roll out their Autumn & Winter lines and there is so much I've got my eye on!
 Here are a few of my favourite bits that I've either ordered already (shock) or will be saving for ready for when it gets a little colder and the clocks go back...(extra hour in bed anyone?)

Starting at the top left - from River Island this lush leather dress. Perfect for the office (paired with black tights, might be a little too risqué without..)
What is winter without boots? I always feel a little bit like a Santa impersonator but I love winter boots. I especially love when they're real leather so I'm definitely saving myself for these beauties from Office.

For someone who spends hours on their hair and makeup I really don't take care of my skin. Because my skin tends to get dryer in the winter I've invested in this Active Cell Night Serum from bareMinerals. Slightly biased because I used to work for them but also because I know first hand how great it is and how so many women wouldn't be without it! I really hope applying this every other night during the colder months will keep my skin hydrated. Watch this space...

New Look have great shoes that are rarely more than £40 so these pointed leather courts are going to be perfect for work or even evenings out! Black courts are pretty classic and realistically can be worn all year round.

These pointed boots from will look great with almost any jeans and are a great way to dress up an outfit. A firm believer in the idea you can never have too many pairs of shoes anyway I think these Boots would go really well with so many different outfits. I really don't need persuading.

Realistically not every day in autumn and winter is so cold it requires boots, so these Kurt Geiger leopard print pumps will be ideal for the slightly warmer autumnal days. And they're on sale on ASOS. Decent

Last but not least THIS.BAG. It's by an Italian Designer called Luisa Vannini and I think its perfect for winter! Made from real leather and big enough you can fit pretty much everything in I think this will definitely be hanging off my arm for the next 6 months. I got this off for £70 reduced from £225, need I say more.

What are your winter must-haves? Am I alone in preferring winter to summer?