My New Year's Resolutions


Every single year I sit and think about the various aspects of my life I’d like to change and it seems this year is no different. 2015 on the whole has been a great year, I’ve paid off 95% of my debts, moved into a much nicer flat, lost (then gained then lost) weight and stopped watching the effing Kardashians. I cut out milk, eggs and bread from my diet and only ate pasta once all year (4 bowls of it in one go though so not ideal…) so diet wise I’ve been on track. ish. (Not graced the gym with my presence anywhere near often enough but whatever it’s a start). I can officially announce as of 2nd Jan 2016 that I've been a fully-fledged vegetarian for a whole year! They said it couldn't be done and that my desire for KFC was too strong, but they were wrong. I'm at a point now where I’m even considering cutting out cheese, which for anyone that knows me realises what a statement that is. I’m the girl that will have a salad from Subway and then ask for 3 tonnes of cheese on top. But I digress. My hair has grown and I've taken much better care of my skin, so my 2015 goals have been satisfied.  As those goals have been met (more or less) I want to try and set new goals for 2016 that are slightly more meaningful, and in turn probably harder to achieve. I'm nearly 25 after all.

I’d really like to be a bit more positive, as generally I'm a ‘’glass half empty’’ type of person. Until I had a boyfriend and lived with someone who notices all the things you don’t notice about yourself I wasn't even aware of it, but I'm someone who allows anxiety and panic to consume my life over very minor things. Not only does stress give you wrinkles but it can cause a whole host of other health problems – so I’d love to ditch the excess worrying in 2016 ;) Plus who wants to hang out with someone who worries all the time?

Shop less save more. Lol. Something I say with the best intentions in the world and then a sale happens, or an occasion comes up that I absolutely must have a new outfit for…or a new bed set that requires 45 new matching cushions, you get the idea. But given that I am quite literally touching distance away from being out of my shopping debt I racked up at 19 it would be bloody great if I could keep being sensible and start saving towards a house. You never know in 6 years’ time some poor innocent mortgage advisor may actually allow me a mortgage (a girl can dream). And now the government are introducing lots of new ways to encourage first time buyers onto the ladder it seems a good time to put my big girl pants on and grow up. Shoes and bags are not the answer.

Read more. Reading improves my vocabulary, writing ability and is a much healthier thing to do before bed than scroll through Instagram for the 34th time. My aim for 2016 is to read at least 2 books a month, which until I start my final year of my degree is definitely doable! War & Peace probably isn't on my ''to read'' list but if you have any suggestions of books you've read and loved let me know.

Think about others more. A lady in my office suggested instead of secret Santa this Christmas, we should all collectively donate to the local foodbank. I think that’s a lush idea and something in all honesty didn't even occur to me. I think I've grown up in a time where many twenty somethings are quite selfish by nature, and thus this sort of gesture wouldn't occur to me naturally. Going forward I'm definitely going to try and be more thankful for what I have and compassionate for those who aren't as fortunate. Not just in terms of donating to charities and helping others but to actually appreciate what I have and focus less on what I don’t have. I mean seriously who actually NEEDS 89 lipsticks?

What are your goals for the year ahead? Did you manage to kick your Kardashian habit?

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