I have a really bad habit of allowing insignificant things bother me more than they should. When something negative happens I dwell on it, lose sleep and generally become a miserable soulless muppet going over the situation in my head to no avail. But I've decided that there really isn't much point allowing things that are out of your control affect you - obviously this is easier said than done but I wanted to share a few things that always make me feel better. I realise this topic has been written about to death but instead of ''look on the bright side'' rubbish I've mentioned things that work for me rather than hoping to meet a unicorn on the walk home who can take me away from it all. Positivity is great but airy fairy ''life is a journey'' crap doesn't really help anyone.
Shopping. Anyone that knows me will have seen that one coming.
Curse my predictable nature. But there is definitely something to retail therapy. You can tell how many ''down days'' I have based on how many online deliveries I get. PMT? There's a dress for that. Bad day at work? New shoes! Argument with a friend? Hello 45 new shades of lip gloss. When you're feeling down, treating yourself to something is always a mood booster even if only for a while.
And if it's an argument with a boyfriend I find slamming doors while he's asleep does the trick.
Exercise. Right, I know exercise releases endorphins that make your brain happy yadayadayada but I'm not a fitness expert so I'm not even gonna pretend to be going at it from that angle. ''Looking good is the best revenge'' and by going to the gym/walk/swimming you're doing something that is actually beneficial to
you. In every possible way. Being self-indulgent in a fitness sense is the best type of self indulgence so channelling negative energy into something positive is great. Plus how can you not feel better doing the stride of pride out the gym after a decent workout? [insert mandatory gym brag tweet]
Justin Timberlake. Whenever I'm sad, I listen to Cry Me A River. Suddenly when I think of my problem compared to Justin getting cheated on by Britney with his best mate and writing 32 songs about it gives me a bit of perspective on my situation. Things could be worse couldn't they.
Or I think about Lindsay Lohan and that definitely sheds some perspective on my problem. For the love of god girl get it together.
I truly believe sleep to be the holy grail of improving a bad mood. (Aside for the first 10 minutes after waking up when you just want food and to never be spoken to again). When I'm sad or down a nap always perks me up and things that seemed horrendous pre-nap are a bit more bearable post-nap. Day time naps are the way forward and as a student I practice this belief aaaall the time.
Wine with friends. A problem shared is a problem halved and all that and providing your friends are happy to listen to you bleat on for hours about your life, a bottle of wine always helps the process along. Ain't no party like a pity party. This is always a good excuse for gossip too - and who doesn't secretly love a bit of gossip? Friendship can make the biggest of problems seem more manageable, so I strongly advise in getting the girls round for wine time.
Get your nails done girl! Never have I had a bad mood that wasn't momentarily improved by a bangin' manicure. Same goes for eyelashes, eyebrows and spray tans. These bad days we have are what keeps the beauty industry thriving!
If none of the above work in
at least temporarily easing your post 'meltdown' mood - there's always the obvious solution and that is tackling it face on. But if you're like me - an incessantly annoying people pleaser this isn't always easy. But stick up for yourself. Be heard. Talk about things that are bothering you and you'll be surprised how quickly the issue is resolved. If there are changes you can make to aid towards alleviating the problem do them. Be proactive and all that jazz. And if that fails there's always Jeremy Kyle.