7 girl things we shouldn't have to justify

Being a girl is great fun. But as time goes on things that were once considered socially acceptable are sometimes frowned upon. Below is a list of things I personally do regularly that I don't think we should ever have to apologise for/feel ashamed of. Embrace your ovaries!

1) Wearing ''too much''/not enough makeup. Makeup is down to personal preference and I personally love it. There really shouldn't be any judgement associated with how much a person decides to wear. Good god don't even get me started on this issue. Go ahead and wear 4 layers of lip gloss with pride its got bugger all to do with anyone else. On the same note, there really shouldn't be any shame associated with not wearing loads of makeup. Or in fact any makeup at all. It's personal preference people! It's your face, rock it however you wish. - (although a bit of mascara never killed anyone - just sayin).

2) Eating the entire contents of a multi bag of crisps/4 muffins/a whole Galaxy bar in one sitting. My stance on this is providing you aren't doing it too often a little bit of what you fancy isn't against the law - knock yourself out. Sometimes you've eaten them all before you even know what's happened.

3) Going to the gym too often/not enough. This, again is down to personal preference and if you have the determination and willpower to go everyday you go girl! People in the past have criticized me and my gym habits but I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. Equally, skipping the gym once in a while isn't going to make you fat and often rest days are the best days. It's all about balance so don't feel ashamed if you miss a session. Just get back on the wagon the following day and all is well with the world. But if you do have the motivation to get up and go do it!

4) Deciding which hotel/bar to go to based on whether or not they have wifi. It's 2014 and wifi is pretty much essential for the majority of us so don't feel ashamed if it's in your top priorities when picking places to go, The first thing I ask when arriving anywhere is ''is there wifi?'' First world problems.

5) Crying at the last episode of Friends/Sex and the City regardless of the fact you've already seen it 3 times this month. As soon as Rachel says ''I got off the plane'' I'm in bits. They just belong together ok.

6) Listening to the Spice Girls/any other ancient manufactured music considered 'crap' by some men and hipsters. I've been listening to the Spice Girls since I was 5 and I will continue to do so 20 years later. Ginger Spice taught me everything I know about girl power and controversial or not - had me believing in the feminist movement from a very early age. Zigazig ah. 

7) Having a day/night where you ignore all your calls and texts. Obviously if your best mate's in labour this is probably inappropriate but I think every so often having some time where you ignore the outside world and enjoy some alone time is great. Do not disturb mode is nearly always switched on on my iPhone and I bloody love it. Nobody's interrupting me watching America's Next Top Model for nothin'. 

I realise this list kind of embraces all the stereotypical things girls supposedly do and I'll be the first to put my hand up and say - yeah I am a muffin eating, Friends weeping wannabe Spice Girl.

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