My New Year's Resolutions


Every single year I sit and think about the various aspects of my life I’d like to change and it seems this year is no different. 2015 on the whole has been a great year, I’ve paid off 95% of my debts, moved into a much nicer flat, lost (then gained then lost) weight and stopped watching the effing Kardashians. I cut out milk, eggs and bread from my diet and only ate pasta once all year (4 bowls of it in one go though so not ideal…) so diet wise I’ve been on track. ish. (Not graced the gym with my presence anywhere near often enough but whatever it’s a start). I can officially announce as of 2nd Jan 2016 that I've been a fully-fledged vegetarian for a whole year! They said it couldn't be done and that my desire for KFC was too strong, but they were wrong. I'm at a point now where I’m even considering cutting out cheese, which for anyone that knows me realises what a statement that is. I’m the girl that will have a salad from Subway and then ask for 3 tonnes of cheese on top. But I digress. My hair has grown and I've taken much better care of my skin, so my 2015 goals have been satisfied.  As those goals have been met (more or less) I want to try and set new goals for 2016 that are slightly more meaningful, and in turn probably harder to achieve. I'm nearly 25 after all.

I’d really like to be a bit more positive, as generally I'm a ‘’glass half empty’’ type of person. Until I had a boyfriend and lived with someone who notices all the things you don’t notice about yourself I wasn't even aware of it, but I'm someone who allows anxiety and panic to consume my life over very minor things. Not only does stress give you wrinkles but it can cause a whole host of other health problems – so I’d love to ditch the excess worrying in 2016 ;) Plus who wants to hang out with someone who worries all the time?

Shop less save more. Lol. Something I say with the best intentions in the world and then a sale happens, or an occasion comes up that I absolutely must have a new outfit for…or a new bed set that requires 45 new matching cushions, you get the idea. But given that I am quite literally touching distance away from being out of my shopping debt I racked up at 19 it would be bloody great if I could keep being sensible and start saving towards a house. You never know in 6 years’ time some poor innocent mortgage advisor may actually allow me a mortgage (a girl can dream). And now the government are introducing lots of new ways to encourage first time buyers onto the ladder it seems a good time to put my big girl pants on and grow up. Shoes and bags are not the answer.

Read more. Reading improves my vocabulary, writing ability and is a much healthier thing to do before bed than scroll through Instagram for the 34th time. My aim for 2016 is to read at least 2 books a month, which until I start my final year of my degree is definitely doable! War & Peace probably isn't on my ''to read'' list but if you have any suggestions of books you've read and loved let me know.

Think about others more. A lady in my office suggested instead of secret Santa this Christmas, we should all collectively donate to the local foodbank. I think that’s a lush idea and something in all honesty didn't even occur to me. I think I've grown up in a time where many twenty somethings are quite selfish by nature, and thus this sort of gesture wouldn't occur to me naturally. Going forward I'm definitely going to try and be more thankful for what I have and compassionate for those who aren't as fortunate. Not just in terms of donating to charities and helping others but to actually appreciate what I have and focus less on what I don’t have. I mean seriously who actually NEEDS 89 lipsticks?

What are your goals for the year ahead? Did you manage to kick your Kardashian habit?

How to get over ''I have nothing to wear'' syndrome

You're getting ready to go out, you open your wardrobe and utter the words ''I have nothing to wear''. How often does this happen to you? For me, and despite the fact I have twice as many clothing items than I actually have room for I used to say this at least once a week. Ludicrous when you take into account I could probably wear a different outfit every day for a year and still never wear the same thing twice. Well, I had an epiphany people. And that cycle ends now.
In an effort to save money, reduce clutter and stop ''collecting'' things I never wear I've put myself on a shopping ban. In an effort to create more space for clothes I plan to keep and wear I went through my wardrobe with a cut-throat mindset and donated to Oxfam all the items I either haven't worn in ages or realistically won't wear again. In the end I ended up with 2 bin bags full of stuff, most of which still had the label on and had never been worn. Yep. Oxfam's lucky day.

After my mini money/environment saving epiphany the real question that dawned on me is how do I break the cycle? Shopping endlessly is such an easy habit to fall into and there have been times when I've bought virtually the same thing twice - forgetting I own a jumper that looks almost identical to the new one. Shopping for the sake of shopping is my problem. And that's exactly what it is, a problem.

It's not particularly economical or practical to buy a new outfit every time you think you've got nothing to wear so I've taken action. I read a statistic once that said the average woman only wears 20% of her wardrobe and I can definitely relate to that. Working in an office environment means generally I wear variations of the same smart shirts, blazers & suit trousers over and over which is fine - but even on weekends and date nights I feel myself regurgitating the same outfits. So I've reorganised my entire wardrobe and brought items to the front that have been stuffed in the back for ages; creating the illusion in my mind that I have more options. Such a small change but has made such a difference so far.

A cringeworthingly sentimental person, I hold on to all sorts of crap I don't need (I still have the receipt of the hotel we stayed in in Paris last year) and the same can definitely be said for clothes. So as part of my wardrobe overhaul I've also donated anything I won't wear again that I was keeping purely for sentimental value (except my 18th birthday dress, long live pink leopard print)... and you'd be surprised how much space that's freed up.

I've also thought more about ''quality over quantity'' and perhaps having 35 white blouses from Primark (god I hate Primark) is not quite as economical as having one great white shark blouse that costs more but is better quality and will stand the test of time overall. And surely you're more likely to wear something you love over something you picked up on a whim? My advice is donate anything that doesn't fit or could be a perfect item for someone else to pick up in a charity shop. H&M's new ad campaign about their clothing recycling service is nothing short of amazing and something I will definitely bear in mind in the future. Keeping a dress you've only worn once that doesn't fit any more is such a waste when it could be recycled and turned into something else. Plus you'll have more space for when it's time to invest in something new that you will wear and is worth having.

Reducing my wardrobe to staple pieces that can be worn over and over regardless of how much my style changes seems far better than having piles of stuff I've forgotten I even own. I can't believe I'm saying this but - less is more? (anyone that's ever lived with me would definitely say YES). Skinny jeans in a couple of colours, a couple of blazers, tops and skirts and 350 pairs of pyjamas is enough for me. Rearranging my clothes and having a really thorough clear out has reintroduced me to items I forgot I had, and even some items I have no idea why I bought in the first place. But nevertheless it has helped conqueror my shopping problem and kept ''nothing to wear syndrome'' at bay.

What do you think? Are you a clothes hoarder or just the bare necessities type of girl? Have you held on to anything purely for sentimental value that if anyone else knew would think you're mental?

Trends I can't wait to see the back of


There are so many trends at the moment that make me shudder. Everyone’s style is different and I appreciate that, but there are some current trends if I never see again it'll be too soon. Here are my least favourite of the trends doing the rounds at the moment...

The end of summer also means the temporary end of fad diets yay! I have done a few juice detoxes recently and I consider those beneficial for actual health (so don't lecture me, thanks) but all these ‘’detox teas’’ and Juice Plus capsules have me exhausted. My weight fluctuates a lot and I can tell you honestly as someone who has been on one diet or another since I was 16 (how sad) the only thing that really works is diet and doing more exercise. Boring but true. I find the detox teas are probably exciting if you don’t drink herbal teas normally, but as someone who drinks about 8 cups of green or peppermint tea a day its not hugely different. Don’t believe the skinny Instagram models posing with the tea packets it’s all a conspiracy. I look forward to the end of Juice Plus and the return of broccoli.

Instagram eyebrows. Everyone’s face is different and in most cases eyebrows totally frame a face. I know lots of girls personally who absolutely nail the high-arched perfect eyebrow look and it looks awesome.  I’ve also seen a lot of girls who don’t quite nail the perfect eyebrow look nor do they need to. If your face looks good with smaller eyebrows don't be worrying about not looking like Cara Devangeline! If she jumped off a cliff would you jump too? I'm guessing not. Step away from the brow palett and accept your brows as they are.

On the subject of OTT makeup I think contouring has had its day. Sorry girls. Adding colour and definition to the face after foundation is great but I’ve seen people get so carried away with it they just look dirty. Combine the overly done bronzer with overly done eyebrows and you’re a hot mess. I much prefer the newer ‘’strobing’’ trend which is what I’m all about – highlighting parts of the face to create a way more natural finish.

I don’t care if it’s Gucci and that Carrie Bradshaw wore one - bum bags are AWFUL. Are they even called bum bags? Fanny packs? Whatever, they’re terrible. I don’t even see unless you’re a looky looky man in Ibiza how they’re even practical. In case you were thinking of getting on the bumbag bandwagon my dad used to wear one on holiday along with his socks and sandals combo so yeah. Swerve on that…

Another trend I think we'll look back on and laugh/cringe in a few years is everyone's obsession with getting lips like Kylie Jenner. Sorry honey but sucking into a piece of plastic is not going to make you look like Kylie Jenner, and in fact they only thing that will is paying a load of money to borrow her surgeon for a day. Lip liner is great for achieving matte lips and even over-drawing slightly to give a slightly fuller-lip look is fine, but let's not get carried away. I would say with quite a bit of certainty looking like a toddler has drawn on your face is not a good look - for anyone. And why would you want to look like Kylie Jenner anyway? Literally the least inspiring ''A Lister'' of the moment. 

I don't have an issue with long hair on men - in fact I think it looks great on some guys but what is with men walking round with top knots. It's not even practical!!! The purpose of buns is to keep hair out the face, you don't need to wear your hair in bun if it's 3 inches long! I blame TOWIE for the total emasculation of men since 2009 and Nando's regulars feeling the need to copy everything they do. Stop it. I usually hold ASOS in pretty high regard given that 90% of my wardrobe is from there but even I had to laugh when they introduced their clip on man buns. Surely nobody thinks this looks good??? You can tell even the model is thinking wtf. 

What trends do you hate? Are there any 2015 trends you can't wait to see the back of?

The best things about Autumn

As mentioned in my previous post I absolutely adore autumn and winter. Summer is basically wasted on me as I spend the entire time inside counting down till Christmas and muttering to myself any time someone mentions the word ''heatwave''.  (I like to think of myself as the summer equivalent of Scrooge). Aside from the fact Autumn is generally beautiful outside I wanted to share a few of my other favourite things about this time of year...

Fall fashion. Boots, scarves and layering is BACK! Maxi dresses are fun but nothing beats bundling up in scarves and boots. Ah who am I kidding I'm just happy its socially acceptable to wear a onesie again.

It makes me sound like the most superficial person ever but I think autumn is the best time of year to be in a relationship. Boyfriends are indeed for life and not just for Christmas but I definitely appreciate sleeping next to a human hot water bottle in the colder months, and having someone to stay in and watch Netflix with while it hammers it down with rain outside. Boyfriend season is here!

Pumpkin Spice errrrrrything. Since converting to vegetarianism in January this year I no longer look forward to Gregg’s Festive Bakes or pigs in blankets but pumpkin spiced lattes. And living in a city means there's a coffee shop every 20 metres which is ideal if you're a white girl in Autumn...

Guaranteed crap weather. Ok, nobody really wants to be cold and wet for 6 months of the year but at least in Autumn you know it’s going to be crap and can therefore save yourself an hour in the morning not bothering to straighten your hair. Messy buns from September to March is pretty much standard for me. It's also nearly socially acceptable to put the heating on (although this is something I've been doing since mid-August). There's always an ongoing debate in every office I have ever worked in about the temperature and I'm so happy it's nearly our time to be comfortable! Heating on windows closed sorry guys. 

Halloween and Christmas are just around the corner. As an avid Halloween supporter I’ve been going out in my underwear on the 31st of October since I was at an age that my dad had no choice but to let me out the door. It’s ironic that I enjoy Halloween when I can’t even sit through a scary film or an episode of American Horror Story on my own but I enjoy the fancy dress element and chocolate at least. I'm a Christmas freak. I started Christmas shopping two weeks ago need I go on.

The weather is an excuse to cancel plans once again. I love my friends more than life but sometimes you want to sit on your own in your warm flat and stare at your pores in a magnified mirror - and that's ok. The best thing about Autumn is the cold weather is now a legit excuse to cancel and the truth is your friend is probably secretly wanting to cancel too. 

Here are a few other honourable mentions of things I love about Autumn:Cosy socks – An extra hour in bed – Downton Abbey – I’m the only person in the room with a tan because I fake it - Christmas shopping -  No more ''hotdogs or legs?'' Instagram posts - candles 

What are your favourite things about this time of year?


Autumn/Winter wishlist

The weather's crap, but your outfit doesn't have to be. Winter is by far my favourite season. Unpopular opinion or not, there's no denying the fashion is more exciting, evenings are cosier and of course - Christmas! The shops have just started to roll out their Autumn & Winter lines and there is so much I've got my eye on!
 Here are a few of my favourite bits that I've either ordered already (shock) or will be saving for ready for when it gets a little colder and the clocks go back...(extra hour in bed anyone?)

Starting at the top left - from River Island this lush leather dress. Perfect for the office (paired with black tights, might be a little too risqué without..)
What is winter without boots? I always feel a little bit like a Santa impersonator but I love winter boots. I especially love when they're real leather so I'm definitely saving myself for these beauties from Office.

For someone who spends hours on their hair and makeup I really don't take care of my skin. Because my skin tends to get dryer in the winter I've invested in this Active Cell Night Serum from bareMinerals. Slightly biased because I used to work for them but also because I know first hand how great it is and how so many women wouldn't be without it! I really hope applying this every other night during the colder months will keep my skin hydrated. Watch this space...

New Look have great shoes that are rarely more than £40 so these pointed leather courts are going to be perfect for work or even evenings out! Black courts are pretty classic and realistically can be worn all year round.

These pointed boots from will look great with almost any jeans and are a great way to dress up an outfit. A firm believer in the idea you can never have too many pairs of shoes anyway I think these Boots would go really well with so many different outfits. I really don't need persuading.

Realistically not every day in autumn and winter is so cold it requires boots, so these Kurt Geiger leopard print pumps will be ideal for the slightly warmer autumnal days. And they're on sale on ASOS. Decent

Last but not least THIS.BAG. It's by an Italian Designer called Luisa Vannini and I think its perfect for winter! Made from real leather and big enough you can fit pretty much everything in I think this will definitely be hanging off my arm for the next 6 months. I got this off for £70 reduced from £225, need I say more.

What are your winter must-haves? Am I alone in preferring winter to summer?

My Moroccan Adventure. The good the bad and the henna

Firstly, I had an incredible time and hope that recent events in North Africa do not put others off from exploring what this continent has to offer (while putting their safety first of course). Everything from the local people to the sights were pretty incredible and I hope more people get experience it for themselves. Our hotel was 4* and beautiful with incredibly friendly staff who speak good English. (Despite the name of this blog insinuating I speak French I actually can't, so pretentious I know). Our hotel was called Blue Sea Ryads Parc & Spa and I would 100% stay there again. The hotel itself is huuuuuuuge and maintained to a very high standard, the only let down perhaps were the rooms weren't quite as glam as the public areas. The cleaners came every single day however and fresh towels were always provided. The hotel is located about 20 minutes from the centre of Marrakesh, which for me as a paranoid traveller gave me added peace of mind I was safe. (Plus there are fit armed guards at the gate...)

When we decided to leave the hotel and go into Marrakesh we realised just how manic it is. There is absolutely no traffic system here so rent a car at your own peril. Other than the odd traffic light people do whatever they want in whatever lane they want, which was a huge culture shock and meant having an anxiety attack in every taxi I went in.
There are hundreds of people in the main square selling something or other, which, is something to be aware of. (If like me you struggle to say no to people I'd possibly avoid this place or you'll return with 320 fake Louis Vuitton bags and 45 rugs). We ended up getting so tired of saying ''no thank you'' to every single person trying to flog us something that we ended up just wearing sunglasses constantly and not engaging with anyone.
We ate in the square twice during our 6 day stay and I had pizza both times, neither restaurant served alcohol for obvious reasons (if you don't know what the obvious reason is you need to stick to Ibiza honey) but I am aware there are restaurants in the square that do.

If you are an animal lover you will be quite shocked at the appalling amount of animals used for entertainment in Morocco. Once I got over the sheer amount of stray cats running around starving (my heart still bleeds for them) I then had to deal with monkeys chained at the neck, horses that looked absolutely exhausted and snakes treated very poorly. I don't even like snakes but no living creature should be chucked about like a yo-yo. If you do ever go to Morocco - I urge you not to engage with the men with the monkeys, they will a) demand payment for taking a photo of you with a poor little monkey and b) you will indirectly be encouraging these people to continue to use animals in this way. It might seem cool to have a photo with a monkey on your shoulder but my understanding is these animals are treated very poorly, by boycotting these money making schemes the locals are less likely to continue to do it.

Due to my moral issue with the animal welfare in this country I purposely didn't take any photos of here's a photo with some camels which again, we purposely didn't ride for ethical reasons

I was unbelievably original in Morocco and decided to get a henna I realise these are very controversial and actually, in hindsight I'm not sure I would get one again. The ''henna ladies'' of Morocco are pretty much the biggest scam artists in the entire country. So much so we still laugh about our experience 2 weeks later. Before I sat down to have mine done I, and the overly polite lady doing the henna agreed to ''pay whatever you think is necessary''. So, as you can imagine I was pretty horrified at the end of my tattoo for the lady to demand 800MAD (that's like, £70!!!)  Luckily for me my boyfriend has bigger balls than me and was happy to tell them to get lost, but was happy to pay 50MAD (about £3.50). That's what the ''art'' is actually worth according to the hotel staff so don't get roped into paying more than that!!! We then were told to ''go fuck your mothers motherfuckers'' by what had originally been nice old ladies telling me how my henna tattoo design would bring me good luck and lots of babies so warned. There are also horror stories circulating about the potentially harmful ingredients used in black henna tattoos so probably best to avoid.

As for the souks and what Morocco is renowned for...they are crazy shit. A pretty cool experience but so claustrophobic and a nightmare for blokes trying to sell you stuff you've already said no to 17 times. I really wanted to be all Carrie circa Sex and the City 2 and get some cool shoes but settled for a pashmina instead. Haggling for a decent price however took about 20 minutes. Generally speaking the merchant is happy to take 40%-50% of their original offer, and it's polite not to take the piss too much and demand something for really really cheap. These people need to make a living too remember and these people are not paid well to begin with.

 It is quite easy to get the impression in Morocco that everything is a tourist trap in one way or another, and you do feel obliged to tip every local you come into contact with. As a rule of thumb I'd recommend tipping the locals you are actually impressed by, otherwise it gets hella expensive... Other than that I felt safe, had a great time and met incredible people both locals and fellow tourists. I did get a fair amount of unwanted male attention, and men would regularly blow kisses even when I was with my boyfriend but I never felt unsafe. I think it's important that as visitor in an Islamic country regardless of how liberal they are that you respect their culture and values, which does include covering up as a female. (A maxi dress that covers your shoulders is fine). If you don't you may attract extra unwanted attention and I actually think its disrespectful to the women there more than anything else.

Oh yeah...we also went quad biking but I bloody hated it so didn't think it warranted a whole paragraph. If you do however enjoy fearing for your life and getting covered in sand it's right up your alley.

High school memories

The entire time I was in high school I couldn't wait to leave. But it's only when you're an adult paying rent and paying for your own food you realise how good you had it back in the day. I mean have you seen how expensive toilet roll is? For real? Being an adult sucks. I miss everything about high school from the canteen politics of who sits where to the joy of finding out you have a substitute teacher. The only thing I don't miss is maths. I hate maths maths can die. I didn't do particularly well in any of my exams largely due to spending most lessons seeing how much makeup I could apply in an hour. Turns out it was a lot. A science teacher once said  ''Natassia you cannot physically get any  more makeup on your face will you put that mirror away''. I think I probably chuckled for a second then carried on applying mascara. I failed science.

I personally hated our school uniform as there was no way of making a polo shirt look girly, so I over compensated by wearing trousers so tight I'm amazed I could even walk. I wasn't alone though - shoutbout to all the Solo models! I remember my dad weeping while looking at me with my jet black hair, 4 layers of eyeliner and orange foundation that was 6 shades darker than my neck in my stripper trousers. ''where did I go wrong''.

Then there was the gossip. All my school reports since Primary school said I was a ''chatterbox'' and high school was no different. Gossip was what made high school worth while. Any morsel of gossip considered worthy of sharing went round the entire year like wildfire. If someone came to school with a love bite you'd never hear the end of it. And that person is automatically considered a slag if female/sexually advanced if male. Sexist system from the get-go isn't it. Breakups were a topic of public interest too and would be discussed by everyone it's just the way it was. You want to recover from your breakup in private? That's a shame 32 people in Art are discussing it right now ''who dumped who?''

Riddle me this; who still uses their high school email address? Who actually made an appropriate enough worded email address that it's still usable as an adult? My dad bribed me to change mine when I was in year 11. He couldn't handle receiving emails from his 15 year old daughter ''sugarlips_9000'' any longer. I die inside when I think about the MSN days.

Then there was Bebo. I remember spending 45 minutes of an ICT lesson trying to find a proxy site to go on Bebo for 10 minutes. Bebo caused more drama and breakups than anything I have ever known in my life but in hindsight was absolutely hysterical. If I could've done a GCSE exam in Bebo I'd have got an A* I loved that shit. Nothing was more time consuming than trying to find an appropriate flashbox video. Christ alive.

What do you miss about high school? I could talk about the ''getting drunk in a park every Friday night'' memories but my dad grounded me for 3 months when he found out so I'm not gonna remind him here....ahem.

7 things I couldn't live without

I know full well if stranded on a desert island I would live approximately 10 minutes. A vegetarian and incredibly fussy eater I just wouldn't be able to hack it. It makes me think of all the creature comforts I use on a daily basis that without, I would probably have a mental breakdown and cry.

 I am a creature of habit and I could probably write a list of 450 things I wouldn't be able to live without but for the time being here are the 7 main things I am obsessed with...

1 - Chewing gum. A couple of years ago I forgot to take some with me to work so went home sick to get some. Pathetic right? That's addiction people. Anyone that's good friends with me knows I carry a fully stocked pot with me everywhere I go and get nervous when I start to run out. No idea where this addiction started but at least it's not crystal meth.

2 - Hand sanitizer. A self-confessed OCD freak and germaphobe I always have hand wipes and anti-bac on hand...better to be safe than sorry. I sometimes carry mouthwash too...hygiene is a priority. 

3 - Fake tan. I'm all about that fake tan life and prefer getting my tan out of a bottle than from the actual sun. I've been fake tanning since I was 17 and wouldn't change a thing. Although sometimes a chore it's much less damaging to skin and overall health than sunbeds. I'm a die hard fake tan fan for life. 

4 - My iPhone. My second boyfriend and friend I turn to in any awkward situation my phone is an extension of my arm and never far away. I recently upgraded to the gold iPhone 6 and am obsessed. 

5 - Green tea is life. This stuff is so yummy and (supposedly) has so many health benefits! I've never been a big coffee drinker and I drink about 7 cups of green tea a day. Don't even waste your time telling me that's too much caffeine blah blah blah it won't change anything. 

6 - ASOS. The first place I go when looking to buy clothes, shoes and makeup. Even when the site is down temporarily I feel a bit lost. Even when I don't have money to shop (which is often) I spend about 2 hours a day browsing and seeing what's new anyway.

7 - Sunglasses. I don't care what the weather's doing as long as it's light outside sunglasses are fair game. Sunglasses hide a multitude of sins and I wouldn't leave the house without them. I recently was very spoiled and bought my first ever pair of designer shades - Chanel no less. Needless to say I'm getting my money's worth by wearing them constantly. 

If you had to pick 7 things what would be your ride or die items?

7 signs you're addicted to your phone

The average person checks their phone 150 times a day apparently. I reckon I've done that by lunchtime. I asked my boyfriend recently if he thinks I'm addicted to my phone and he couldn't shout 'yes' quickly enough. Firstly it's important we acknowledge addiction is a disease. I once checked my phone at a funeral before realising what a disgusting human being I am and stuffing it back in my bag....

Here are 7 signs that you too, are in a relationship with your phone.

[Sorry babe]

1) You get genuine heart palpitations when your battery gets below 20%. And why does it get below 20%? Because you've been on it all day! I actually get this when it gets below 50%...issues...

2) You spend stupid amounts of money on pretty phone cases that wouldn't protect the phone in any kind of accident whatsoever but look good when permanently attached to your hand. The most I ever spent on a phone case was £80. Yep. It was bejewelled though so seemed like a wise investment.

3) Your significant other bans you from having your phone while watching a movie because you entirely lose the plot of the film but keep firmly up to date with Instagram, which is just as important right?

4) Every outing is a possible photo opportunity. I haven't gone quite as far as buying a selfie stick (that will be a dark dark day indeed) but every time I leave the house photos are fair game. Sometimes even when I haven't left the house. My cat avoids me.

5) You're the first to know when anything remotely gossip worthy occurs because you notice it in real time. You screenshot it and send it to your closest friends on your group's whatsapp. Duh

6) When something amazing/funny/awful happens one of your first thoughts is ''how can I summarise this in 140 characters or less?'' It's very important you keep Twitter followers up to date with absolutely everything that happens.

7) When you momentarily lose your phone i.e. down the side of the sofa you go on a rampage accusing everyone of hiding it. You check the washing machine in an absolute frenzy to check it hasn't drowned and when you eventually find it the relief is out of this world. Thank god my 430 selfies are not lost forever. My best friend that lives firmly within my £1.50 Disney princess phone case will live to tweet another day.

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Do you need to go to iPhone rehab? 

7 things I learned from watching Mean Girls

I've seen Mean Girls enough times to know the words from start to finish. I quote it about 4 times a day as there are several every day situations that can be resolved with ''boo you whore'' or ''I know right?'' Aside from being funny I feel I learned many of my life lessons from it and it has totally helped mould me into who I am today. Not only did I learn that butter is actually a carb despite science saying otherwise but also dating your friend's ex is totally against the rules of feminism. That is totally what the suffragettes were campaigning for right?

1) Ashton Kutcher is not a band. He's not even in a band. After some time researching him on Google it would appear he's an actor who was once married to Demi Moore. Who knew.

2) It only counts if you saw a nipple. Any pubescent 13 year old school boy will confirm this. 

3) If you have sex, you will get chlamydia. Best way to avoid this is stay half a virgin (but still give him everything, if you know what I mean). 

4) You can't just ask people why they're white. People can be from Africa and be white, and people can be black and be from Michigan. Crazy. Also it's wrong to assume all black people speak Swahili)) Jambo!

5)You don't need to dumb yourself down to get guys to like you, I know how would I know right?
(not a drug dealer)

6) In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Your dad may hang his head in shame and despair but at least you won't be mistaken for a guy in a wedding dress. That's a scary mask bro.

7) How many times is it socially acceptable to watch Mean Girls? The limit does not exist. It may become unbelievably annoying to everyone around you but just roll with it. Ask yourself, what would Glen Coco do? 

So you can go shave your back now, bye Jason. 

New makeup products I'm loving

Anyone that knows me or follows me on any form of social media will know I buy a lot of makeup. In fact way more than any sane human being actually needs. I am constantly looking for the next big thing and as a result my makeup bag has a revolving door as I consistently change things up. Recently I've been getting a few compliments and questions in regards to what I'm wearing on my face - so I thought why not blog about it?

First things first - foundation. I was always really hesitant to try a powder foundation because I had visions of it blowing off in the wind leaving me looking like a milk bottle. In hindsight that is pretty ridiculous. Recently I've been using bareMinerals Ready Foundation in shade R310. A pressed powder that provides exceptional coverage (especially when applied with the Precision Brush) this foundation gives a natural finish without compromising on coverage. Winner! The finish is quite matte making it ideal for oily skin types but for me I like to add my own illuminator afterwards to give back a bit of a glow. This foundation is ideal for everyday wear because it literally takes 2 seconds to apply and due to the skin-friendly ingredients (Sea Nutritive minerals) is hydrating too.

The Precision Face Brush (although looks like it's had a nervous breakdown in the picture) is a synthetic brush that is angled allowing you to achieve full coverage with any foundation to all the contours of your face. My favourite bareMinerals brush I see this brush as an investment that, if cared for will last bloody ages.

Next onto blushers. Most people faint at the sight of the blushers I wear when they're in the pot because it does look like something Coco the Clown would wear but when applied lightly can look gorgeous. The two I've been loving lately are Stila's Self Adjusting Pink Blusher and bareMineral's Fruit Cocktail.
Stila's is a ''self adjusting one-size-fits-all'' blush but I take anything with ''self-adjusting'' in the title with a pinch of salt. Supposedly it reacts with the wearer's PH level to achieve the right shade of pink on the skin, however on me it looks pretty much the same as in the pan which is why I love it. A very bright, youthful pink this helps to make my face look a lot more youthful and healthy especially when wearing such a matte foundation. I'm all about the Barbie look so sue me.

Fruit Cocktail is again, very bright pink. A lose formulation with a slight shimmer this one looks lovely on the apple of the cheeks but a very small amount goes a very long way. I have in the past made the fatal mistake of applying way way too much of this and looking very china doll/clown like so a light handed approach is strongly advised. 

Also on the topic of complexion my new absolute favourite thing ever is bareMineral's new bronzing & highlighting palette - California Bronze. I can't help but feel like they may have got their inspiration for this from the likes of cough Smashbox's Contour Kit cough (although not specifically advertised as a contour kit it may as well be). With two of bareMineral's lushest bronzers and illuminator you could use this to contour your face by applying The High Dive on the contours of your cheeks with The Shining Moment on the cheek bones. Lovely stuff. And for £25 it's a bargain. 

Finally eyelashes. I wear false eyelashes every time I leave the house with the exception of the gym. For the past year I've used Primark's eyelashes religiously but recently I've discovered Red Cherry lashes on Amazon which consist of natural hairs meaning you don't get a synthetic/shiny flash back in photos. For £2.40 a pair they're still drastically cheaper than Eyelure lashes. The only downside of these is they don't come with any adhesive.

What products have you tried and been using recently? Would you be brave enough to wear these blushers?

Fifty Shades of Grey

I have to start by saying I was not a fan of the books. Not by a long shot. Probably the most poorly written book I have read as an adult I had to check a few times I hadn't read the same chapter twice based on how repetitive it was. I didn't even make it onto the second or third book. I thought ''if I have to read the words ''my inner goddess'' one my time I swear to god...'' so decided against it. Having said that I hoped the film was going to be worth the hype. Typically movie adaptations of books are always pretty poor but I figured the fact the book was dire to begin with the film can't be much worse. I was wrong.

Now I realise the premise for the books/movie is a touchy subject in itself. If there is one thing I will say to defend it is that actually the main character Ana is fully consenting to all the kinky stuff that happens to her. I know many domestic violence charities are up in arms about ''glamorising domestic violence'' but I think that's the least of the film's worries. BDSM is relatively mainstream these days (sorry dad) and what happens between consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom is pretty much their business. Ana is fully consensual so I don't feel that's the issue.

For me, the issue is how Ana is as a person outside the red room of pain. (cringed to death typing that). This girl needs to be rescued in every possible scenario. I took my poor-long suffering boyfriend to watch this with me and even he was thought the way she was portrayed was borderline insulting to women. Not to mention the hilarity of her having an orgasm the second Christian touches her arm. I mean come on. I've read interviews with Dakota Johnson (who plays Ana) who describes her as being '' a strong independent woman'' and I find that statement more laughable than the scene where she refuses anal fisting. Ana is the stereotypical weak ''Disney princess'' type character that requires a man to rescue her constantly. While enduring the odd spanking to satisfy this weirdo's needs. What kind of message is that? I'll let you spank me/buy me lavish gifts while you save me from being a poor little woman incapable of looking after myself. I'm female after all.

I'm no psychologist but it's pretty clear to anyone that Christian Grey is bat-shit crazy. It's supposed to be a part of his appeal presume. A self-made billionaire at the age of 27 who supposedly knows his way around the female form so well he can cause Ana to climax at the slightest touch. Come on now. Let's be real. It takes most men decades to get good at that (sorry dad). Aside from his penchant for wanting to hurt women he's a crazy one-eye-bigger-than-the-other stalker who if existed in real life would have more restraining orders against him than he would notches on his bedpost. How any woman can find this character appealing is a mystery to me. Yes he's moderately attractive but the idea of a guy tapping your phone, letting himself into your house and selling your car for you without your consent is pretty messed up. What woman on earth would want that? Even in a fantasy scenario? Jesus Christ get a grip people.

Overall this film was pretty hilarious but in a ''laughing at it not with it'' type way.  Ana still has a flip phone for Christ sake. It's 2015. The sex scenes were relatively artistically done with a decent soundtrack to distract you from the lack of chemistry between the two leads. The whole thing was pretty wooden, if you can excuse the pun. The entire film could be condensed into 20 minutes as the script is about 50 words long. Consisting of ''laters baby'', ''stop biting your lip'' and ''have you signed the contract yet?'' over and over again.

The one thing I will say however (and anyone who's read the books will understand), I'm glad they skipped the scene where Mr.Grey removed Ana's tampon for her. I count myself lucky I didn't have to witness that on the big screen in a room full of horny middle-aged women. Yikes.

Have you seen the movie? What did your inner goddess make of it?

The beauty scenario tag

Yay a tag post! I eat sleep breathe make up so having an excuse to write a post purely dedicated to it is perfect. I was tagged by the beautiful Esther !

1) You have to get rid of all your foundations and keep one high-end and one drug store. Which do you keep?
Tough one. I have to admit in recent months I've been having an exclusive relationship with high-end foundations only and don't actually own anything else...saying that if I had to pick one based on past experience it would be Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation. Pretty decent for a fiver! Out of my high-end options it would have to be the newest edition to my makeup bag - NARS Sheer Glow in shade Barcelona. Light enough that it can used daily (unlike MAC Studio Fix) but good enough coverage for nights out. The lack of SPF is also great for nights out and relentless selfie-taking. Failing that any of the 3 in the photo below would suffice.

2) You go for an interview and the lady interviewing has lipstick on her teeth. Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?
Christ. First and foremost if someone had lipstick on their teeth it's one of the first things I'd notice. Downside of being an overly observant person is always spotting things you'd rather not notice, as it means it's all you can think about/stare it for the duration of the conversation. I'd personally try ignore it all together and then tell her to read my blog post - 7 things more embarrassing than getting lipstick on your teeth. That should get the message across.

3) You're not feeling yourself and need a pick me up lipstick. Which do you go for?
This again is tough. When you own enough lipstick to paint the entire front of Notre Dame there are quite a few options. Having said that a stand out winner for me is MAC's Rebel. A rich purple shade it looks dark red on me but I always get compliments on it. Not really appropriate for everyday wear but is a firm favourite of mine for nights out.

4)You go back in time to your teenage years, how do you do your hair and makeup differently? 
This list is endless. Dear 15 year old Natassia:
1- Do not dye your hair black for Christ sake
2- Wear foundation that actually matches your neck not 4 shades darker
3- Step away from the pink & green eye shadow combo
4- Don't attempt to dye your hair blonde by yourself. It will go orange. Anyone that went to high school with me will remember this epic life fail

5) You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut but they hear wrong and give you a pixie cut, what do you do? A) Smile, say thanks, leave and call your mum crying hysterically. B) Cry in the chair and things get awkward. C) Complain to the manager and demand a refund. D) None of the above
I'll avoid confrontation by any means necessary so I'm definitely the type of person to pretend I love it then go home and have a nervous breakdown and write angry tweets about it.

6) Your friend surprises you with a 4 day city break and you have one hour to pack. Which ‘Do It All’ palette do you pack in your make up bag?
I'm not big on eyeshadow - in fact I barely own any. I did however cave in and buy Urban Decay's Naked 2 Palette a couple of months ago which is what I'd take just in case. Very wearable colours I'm pretty fond of this palette.

7) Your house has been robbed – don’t worry, everyone is safe – but your beauty stash has been raided. What’s the product you really hope is safe?
My perfume collection. Easy. 

8) Your friend borrows make up and returns it in an awful condition. Do you: A) Pretend you haven’t noticed B) Ask them to repurchase it C) Secretly do it back to their make up
One of the benefits of having naturally beautiful friends is they don't want to borrow any of my makeup. If they did and returned it in awful condition I'd just buy it again and never ever let them borrow anything in the future. 1 strike and you're out betches. 

I tag my beautiful cousin Jess!

The drunk girl's guide to makeup removal

It's all very well writing endless posts about what make up to wear, but half the battle is taking it off at the end of the day. Having used everything from baby wipes to Liz Earle I've finally found a cost-effective solution to makeup removal, especially tricky mascara that usually leads to panda eyes in the morning.

I am notoriously slack for removing my makeup after a night out. I will always manage to brush my teeth, but due to the fact my skin has always been pretty unproblematic I often can't be arsed to spend 10 minutes removing 35 layers of mascara and eyelash glue after 11 rounds of cocktails.

Cue Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water. This stuff is incredible. A tiny bit on some cotton pads removes all my makeup and doesn't sting my eyes at all which is often a problem with other eye makeup removers. I've had some absolutely horrific reactions to other more high-end products so the fact I'm not blind in the morning is actually a victory in itself.

Garnier is a skincare brand I trust. Although not exactly premium I don't mind paying a fiver for any of their products and I've never had a bad experience. I should probably mention that I have pretty normal skin so I can be quite flexible with the range of products I use. I don't find this remotely drying on the skin, although saying that I wouldn't say its overally hydrating either (despite what the bottle says.) Typically, unless absolutely obliterated by vodka I'll always moisturise after use.

The great thing about this as opposed to other alternatives is there's no rinse required afterwards. So basically, after a night of cocktails makeup removal can be done in 30 seconds before you pass out, no trying to stand/balance over the sink while you do it. 4 cotton pads with this stuff on will remove a full face of makeup pretty easily allowing you to let your skin breathe while you sleep off the Mojitos. It will also prevent you waking up to a bright orange and black pillow, which is an added bonus.

I've been using this for about 6 months now and it's never caused me to breakout and I'm pretty confident in it's ability to cleanse the skin as well as removing tough eye makeup.

As for the Micellar market, it's becoming increasingly saturated with all sorts of companies developing their own, but for £4.99 from Boots you can't go wrong.  So now you know. The best way to remove makeup after a night out is to actually take it off, who knew?

Goodbye Page 3

First things first, this isn't a light hearted, make up related post. This is me defending my opinion in regards to celebrating The Sun pulling Page 3.  I've received a lot of adversity about my opinion on social media by people I view to be grossly misinformed and felt it appropriate to air my opinion in a way that doesn't limit me to 140 characters. I first signed the 'No More Page 3' petition started by Lucy Holmes in 2013 and have closely followed the progress since.

I am baffled. What concerns me the most is the amount of girls, women and friends that have said they feel sad page 3 has gone. ARE.YOU.SERIOUS. As a woman of the world and someone very passionate about women's rights, I for one am horrified that my fellow females are disgruntled by this huge breakthrough in equal rights for women. Nudity and nipples are not the issue here. The issue is the damaging effects this desensitisation will have on children and the way women are viewed by men. It isn't the pictures themselves that are they issue, but the negative connotation associated with having your cheerios with a side of ''Leanne From Bolton has E cups''.

The Sun first started running topless images of women in the 1960's, and since then women have worked harder than ever for equal rights in the workplace. Despite this, there is still a huge gap in what men and women are paid for the same role and I feel 'Page 3 society' is partially to blame. If we as a society are ever going to make changes for both ourselves and our daughters we need to stop  accepting the objectification of women in the media and day to day life and start wanting more for ourselves than just being admired for having a nice pair of tits.

Boobs. Not a big deal. I'm not a prude nor do I find boobs remotely offensive. I understand they are nice to look at and are often a sexual stimulant for men, I get that. My issue in regards to The Sun is the casual way they are portrayed in the paper as if it's the norm. IT ISN'T. Women being objectified and being viewed as nothing more than sexual objects designed to sexually gratify men is the single most damaging message to send to both impressionable young girls and boys alike. Girls assuming getting their boobs out is a lucrative way to make their way in life and don't study as hard as a result. It's very much the ''I wanna be a WAG'' mindset that needs to stop. Girls should be aspiring to be CEO's, doctors, scientists and generally wanting more for themselves than making a living being half naked. You can be attractive and have a brain you know, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

On the flip side, if a fully grown female makes an informed decision to enter the adult entertainment industry, good for her. She's made that decision for herself, not because it seems like an easy option because she was exposed to it as a child by her father flipping through The Sun at the breakfast table. I'm not against pornography or top shelf magazines, each to their own. I believe these to be the appropriate outlet for these types of images not a family newspaper! Nudity is not a dirty word and I definitely don't believe women should have to hide their sexuality or dress modestly all the time, but raising the bar in terms of how highly we value ourselves and our bodies needs to be addressed. If a 12 year old girl is conditioned to believe she is worth nothing more than her physical appearance and soul purpose in life is to provide sexual gratification for men through her body and her appearance, how hard is she likely to try at school? What will she likely aspire for in life besides a flat stomach and double d's? What message will she then pass on to her children in regards to equal rights for women? And thus continues the viscous cycle.

Come on girls, wake up. Raise the bar, if not for yourself but for your children. 

Fitbit review

I was so excited to get my Fitbit for Christmas and I haven't been disappointed! What is a Fitbit I hear you ask? Well...
A Fitbit is a rubber wristband that has an electronic device installed that tracks your steps, calorie burn and activity throughout the day by recording your heart rate.  It then sends all the information to the dongle on your laptop/app on your phone that allows you to review your progress. Perfect if you're looking to improve your fitness or lose weight. (Plus it comes in pink - I was sold).

I've yo-yo dieted for most of my adult life. I go through phases of eating and exercising well the eating nothing but pizza and not moving off the sofa. So yeah my fitness journey peaks and troughs...but having a Fitbit has changed everything. By seeing what calories I've burned through normal day to day living and exercise it allows me to monitor how many calories I eat - thus resulting in weight loss. I've lost 3lbs so far since using the Fitbit and it's really just down to the fact it encourages me to be more active, making sure I get in my daily 10,000 steps but also make wiser choices with food relative to the exercise I've done that day. It's great if you are an athlete too (not that I know anything about that) as it'll track your progress on walks, runs and even swimming!

It. is. brilliant. The LED lights on the front will show you how close to your daily target you are (typically 10,000 steps, 30 active minutes and walking 5 miles) which is motivational in itself in encouraging you to keep going till you've smashed your target. An added bonus is you can comfortably wear it while you sleep, and once it's in sleep mode it can track your sleep pattern. It'll tell you next morning the duration you slept and how often you were restless. This is helpful if you're someone that suffers with insomnia or have issues sleeping and by learning what times during the night it happens can, over time eradicate anything that is interrupting your sleep. Game changer! (I'm a nerd and find this feature really interesting just because.)

It also has a silent alarm that when set can wake you gently by vibrating on your wrist at the time you set it to, I have yet to use this feature so I can't really comment but if you're someone that is sick at the sound of your alarm every morning this could be a great bonus and a much nicer way to be woken up each morning.

All in all I see myself and my Fitbit being very happy together. It's comfortable to wear and the electronic part can be removed and inserted into different coloured wristbands - hola colour coordination! Ideal for atheletes and anyone looking to get fitter/lose weight the Fitbit is £79.99 from Boots, Argos etc,