Fashion lessons I learnt from watching chick flicks

Partial to a chick flick I've been watching them for as long as I can remember. A lot of them have been an integral part of me growing up and below are a few fashion lessons they taught me:

Clueless - Now it don't get any more nineties than Clueless. Who didn't want to be Cher?! Ever so slightly before my time (I was 3 when it came out) I have since watched it thousands of times. And there's one Clueless trend that has seen a massive comeback this year - coordinates. 4 years ago I'd have laughed in the face at the prospect of wearing an outfit that entirely matches. And now I wouldn't think twice. I love them.  I'm so fancy

Mean Girls - the most quotable film of all time bar none. This film actually taught me a lot and I think they should make all girls watch this before going to High School just as a heads up. But the fashion lesson I learned was wearing pink on Wednesdays should totally be like, the law. Pink is awesome and by Wednesday the weekend is in sight so knock yourself out and wear pink. I'd wear it everyday if I had enough pink clothes.

Bridget Jones -  I too have ''eaten entire contents of one's fridge'' and gone out dressed entirely in a bunny outfit. I think what Bridget Jones did for the ''control pants'' market is unprecedented. Everyone from Kim Kardashian to JLo have been snapped wearing them and you know what? That's ok. Bridget Jones brought light to the issue that actually we don't all have perfect figures and sometimes an extra layer of support/sucking in/pushing up can make an outfit look 100 times better and thus make us feel better about ourselves. Which really is the whole point of getting all dressed up. And unless you're being paid to endorse weight loss supplements (cough Kardashian cough) there's no shame in it. Spanx the shit out of yourself if it makes you feel better.

Sex and the City - Totally side stepping the fact it's financially impossible for Carrie to have lived the lavish lifestyle she led on a writer's wage I love love love SATC more than any other show. Obsesssssssed. If I was a sensible person what I should have taken from this show is how not to spend money. But unfortunately for my credit rating it taught me that if you like a dress/pair of shoes/ring - BUY IT. Probably the most financially irresponsible person alive it's easy for me to say but if you like something and it's within your means - buy it. Worry about the repercussions later.

Grease - Ha. A bit of a controversial one and I don't advocate dressing like a slut to get the bloke you like but hey, it worked for Sandy right? SO I guess the lesson to be had here is if the guy you like isn't paying you enough attention chuck on some skin tight disco pants, some red lipstick and he'll literally be crawling after you.

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